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Biden and Trump Neck and Neck in Battleground States

CBS News Poll Shows Tight Race

A recent CBS News poll finds that Joe Biden and Donald Trump are neck and neck in battleground states. The poll, which was conducted from June 10-13, found that Biden leads Trump by just one point in Wisconsin, two points in Pennsylvania, and three points in Michigan. These are all states that Trump won in 2016.

Trump Holds Small Lead in Some States

However, the poll also found that Trump has a small but clear lead in some other battleground states, such as Florida and Ohio. In Florida, Trump leads Biden by four points, and in Ohio, he leads by three points. These are states that Biden needs to win in order to take back the White House.

Factors Favoring Trump

The poll also found that there are several factors that are favoring Trump in the race. One is the shift toward a more blue-collar primary electorate. This electorate is more likely to support Trump than Biden, and it is a factor that could help Trump in the general election.

Another factor that is favoring Trump is the political amnesia that is powering the increasingly absurd arguments from Trump and his allies. This amnesia is allowing Trump to get away with saying things that would normally be disqualifying, and it is a factor that could help him win reelection.

Biden's Campaign Faces Challenges

The poll also found that Biden's campaign is facing some challenges. One is the fact that his campaign has been outspent by Trump's campaign. As of Wednesday, Trump's campaign had nearly $40 million more cash on hand than Biden's campaign.

Another challenge for Biden is the fact that registered voters have a deeply pessimistic view of the US economy. This pessimism could lead voters to support Trump, who has promised to bring back jobs and improve the economy.
