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Another Chance To See The Aurora Borealis

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Another Chance to See the Aurora Borealis

By CBS News

An unusually strong solar storm is giving most of the country a chance to see the Northern Lights, also known as aurora borealis, this weekend.

The best time to see the Northern Lights in the Chicago area will be between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. Sunday, May 11, according to the National Weather Service. The NWS also notes that the aurora may be visible as far south as Indiana and Ohio.

The Northern Lights are a natural light display in the sky, caused by the interaction of charged particles from the sun with the Earth's atmosphere. The particles are drawn to the Earth's magnetic poles, and the resulting light show is most often seen at high latitudes.

This weekend's solar storm is expected to be one of the strongest in years, so there is a good chance of seeing the Northern Lights in Chicago and other parts of the country.

Midwest Living
